Warm greetings your Eminence and fellow 'Apifo'ou Family!
Admin Briefs
This is week 2 of the 3rd Term. The focus for the week is the preparations for the distributions of Reports for the Mid-Year Exams. It has been a strenuous task as the teachers needed to follow the standard procedures to ensure that all the Reports are correct and credible. The Reports will be distributed on Monday.
The various sporting events are coming to the final stages of their competitions. All our Rugby Teams are playing off in their quarter and semifinals. The Netball and Soccer Teams have also played their quarters and semis.

It's a long-standing Marist tradition that the Sporting Teams offer their thanksgiving prayers to the Blessed Virgin. Seen above is our Senior 1st XV after the game yesterday, having narrowly defeated Tonga High School 19-15 in the quarter final.

Seen above are the U14 lining up for their 1/4 final against THS in which they lost. A similar result happened to the U15, U16, and U17, but we salute these boys for the sacrifices they have made to represent the college to the best of their abilities.

Seen above and below are our First XV in their quarterfinal against THS.

Weekly Eucharist
The celebration of the Eucharist every Friday remains a central activity in the life of the college. In addition, the rugby boys have a separate Mass every Wednesday as part of their spiritual and mental preparations for their games.

Dental Clinic
The Kilisitina Pome'e Dental Clinic continues to function as intended. Our staff and students are so fortunate that the Dentists from the hospital follow a roster through which they treat our students in need of dental care here at our own clinic.

Brass Band & Choir
The members of the school's Brass Band and Choir gathered last Saturday to celebrate their recent winning of the choir competition. It was an opportunity to give out cash awards to our ex-students who are studying at the Tupou Tertiary Institute but who are still helping us out at the college.

PTA & Level 6 Teachers
Since the much-esteemed President of the PTA took office at the beginning of this year, she has been very proactive in finding ways to help our staff and students. Mrs. Malia Lita Fisilau together with the Level 6 teachers have visited the various Parishes where there are students studying at the college. They're setting up evening classes in all those parishes and some have got off to a great start.

Seen here are the PTA Team that are championing this very worthy cause. This session was to evaluate the reports that different Teams gathered from their first and second round of visitations. Malo lahi e ngaue mo e 'ofa ki hotau 'apiako.

Seen below are 17 teacher-trainees doing their Practicum here at 'Apifo'ou. They are indeed quite handy as they are helping out in other areas such as sports and work!

May I take this opportunity to extend to you all our heartfelt gratitude for all your continuous prayers and support for our beloved college.
We wish our ex-students in the United States a fruitful and blessed gathering tomorrow, July 29, to celebrate your day in conjunction with AFC's 158th anniversary.
Likewise, to our beloved ex-students in Aotearoa, here's hoping that you'll all have a productive and useful meeting this weekend.
Viva AFC!