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College Updates: 1-Week Break


Greetings your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!

Admin Briefs:

~ The college is on a 1-week break. Only the Form 7 are still on their first mid-semester exams. There are few holiday classes organized for the exams' Forms and we're indeed grateful to those teachers for their generosity and commitment.

~ Classes will resume next Monday at the beginning of Term 2.

Sports' equipment:

Yesterday was a joyful day as the new track shoes, and other items such as javelins, shot put balls, etc. arrived from NZ. We're grateful to Team Aotearoa: Lita Foliaki, Peta, Solomone Sakalia, Chris Muller, Vaipuna Raass, Rev. Ulameti and the rest for orchestrating this tremendous initiative. You can see from photos 007 & 009 the excitement on the faces of the coaches and athletes. The Team Aotearoa photo shows some of the Ex-students' Executives in Auckland who have been instrumental in fundraising, purchasing, and transportation of these assorted items to Apifo'ou.

Team Aotearoa

Photo 007

Photo 009

The sports' items from NZ arrived at the same time with the container from Fiji which contained the High Jump mattresses. They were manufactured last year in Fiji and have been sitting inside one of my friend's company's hardware in Suva due to COVID-19.

Hence it was indeed a real morale boost for our athletes as we aim to win the competition!

5-Year Master Plan:

The second round of consultation is under way. We covered Nuku'alofa on Tuesday evening, Pea on Wednesday, and Kauvai on Thursday. Next week will be Hihifo, Ma'ufanga, and Houma. Evidently, there are more attendants on these consultations as ex-students are conscious of how important are their opinions for the Plan. Photo 030 shows the good turn out at Pea on Wednesday evening.

Photo 030

Once the Parishes are covered we'll have sessions with the staff at the college, Education Office at Toutaimana, and with His Eminence, Cardinal Mafi. We hope to achieve all this before the AGM on the 1st of May.

As four ex-students overseas, we'll try and send soft copies once we complete the Draft Copy.

Road Upgrade:

As mentioned in earlier updates, Hon. Tatafu Moeaki is now part of the organizing Team for this project. He assured me that the upgrade of the roads at the college will begin in June. This is a blessing in disguise as we have more time to plan for the Tar Seal.

Ex-students' Fundraise:

This year is the first time that the college Budget includes the contribution of the ex-students in the Operational Costs of the school. The target amount is $70,000. Henceforth, there are renewed commitments from our ex-students on the local scene. Houma had their concert on Thursday evening and Houmakelikao did theirs last night. Next Thursday will be Ma'ufanga and Hihifo the following week.

Frankly, this is a good sign as it coincides well with all the innovative ideas in the 5 Years Master Plan. All in all, this is the beginning of the rise of Apifo'ou College!

Viva AFC!


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