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College Updates: Week 1 - Term 2


Greetings your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!

Admin Briefs

This is the first week of Term 2. We would have taken a break but like all other schools in Tonga, we're running nonstop until mid-December! The focus for this week is twofold: ongoing efforts into the coverage of the syllabus and Common Tests for those that were absent due to sickness.

We have been waiting for the assorted Text Books from Melbourne and yesterday was a joyful day as the two pellets of books were transported here to the college. We're indeed grateful to our ex-students in NZ and Australia, coordinated by the Volunteer Group in Melbourne, for this timely morale boost!

It was a sad day for the college as we farewelled our former Principal & Deputy Principal, Fr. 'Ofa-Ki-Taiwan Vaihu SM. There were promising plans ahead for Fr. 'Ofa as he was to attend the Australian Catholic University (ACU) to do his Masters. Unfortunately, that is put on hold for the moment due to his recent minor stroke. Well, Fr. 'Ofa is very happy that he has been allowed to travel to New Zealand to visit his dear Mum who has been bedridden for some years now.

At the school's assembly on Tuesday, we bid farewell to Fr. 'Ofa and wished him all the best for his trip while assuring him of our prayers as well as for his dear Mum.

In a more jovial mood, the Lalo Kasia Kava Club prepared a BBQ, yaqona, and music for Fr. 'Ofa. There were also free massages on offer as 'Epeli with his magic hands provided the service free of charge.

Seen above are the teachers and students checking out the newly arrived books.

Scholarship from the Tonga/China Group

Two of our top students from Form 3, Likamoana Kautoke & Jayden Tatafu, were awarded this scholarship, together with recipients from other schools in Tonga. This is a big help as this scholarship will go on until the end of Form 7. The Princess Royal, Salote Mafile'o Pilolevu Tuita, was the Guest of Honour at the awarding ceremony.

Enrichment Program

Ms. Matanisinga Kaifoto remains committed to our Enrichment Project. The students at the Levels 1 - 3 are the beneficiaries as they are being helped especially those who need bridging of their literacy and numeracy skills.

'Apifo'ou Masani!

Lots of people are commenting on the the sense of pride exhibited by the staff and students of the college as they maintain neatness within and around the school's property. We award a weekly Prize to one Form from each Level who display efforts for keeping their classrooms clean, both inside and outside.

Po'oi Triplets!

I've been to schools where we have had a good number of twins but never a triplet. Well, when I came to Apifo'ou I had the rare privilege of teaching this triplet, 'Akupenga, Malia, and Mele Langikula Po'oi. Their proud parents are Viliami and Metele Po'oi of Ma'ufanga. They were born on the 15/08/2001, meaning they'll turn 21 this year. Well, they showed up in the office to say farewell as they'll part ways for the first time. One will join the Sisters of Our Lady of Nazareth (SOLN), another will join the Police Force, and the third one is pursuing her study at USP. What a proud moment!

Alumni Groups

A special meeting was called by the President, Mon. Lutoviko Finau, for the leaders of the various Alumni groups among AFC ex-students. This initiative stemmed from a recent meeting of the Executives to look into how we can assist with the Operation Cost of running the school. The background understanding here is that there was no Feast Day celebration in April during which we usually collect the levies. It was affirming to see the good turnout by the different leaders.

Global Zoom Meeting

Last Friday, we were able to meet for the first time with the Executive Leaders of the Ex-students' Association from the US, Australia, and New Zealand. We're grateful indeed to the Aotearoa Committee for hosting this meeting. It was a really wonderful experience to be able to collectively discuss issues pertaining to the college and ex-students alike.


On behalf of the school and all ex-students, we extend our heartfelt condolences to the Vehikite Family at 'Utulau for the passing of their beloved Dad, Mr. Funaki Vehikite.

Thank you very much one and all for your continuous prayers and support.

Viva AFC!


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