Warm greetings to you, Your Eminence, and fellow 'Apifo'ou Family!
Admin Briefs
This is the final week for Term 2. We wrapped up the week and the Term with our Thanksgiving Mass yesterday. We continue to thank the Lord for the many blessings and graces bestowed on the 'Apifo'ou Family.
Even though the college is on holiday, the sporting Teams will continue to participate in their various competitions. During the two weeks break there will be classes organised for the senior Forms as part of the efforts to help students cover the syllabus. We urge our students to be extra careful during the festive weeks of the Heilala Festival.
Public Service Commission's 20th Anniversary
The PSC marked their 20th anniversary on Wednesday. Part of the celebrations was the essay competitions for the Secondary Schools. I was very proud of our students that took part in the competition. Out of the twelve winning essays, seven were awarded to 'Apifo'ou College, two went to Takuilau College, one to Tonga High School, and one to Tonga College.

Seen below is Madam CEO of the PSC, Mrs. Dorina Afeaki Kioa, a former Head Girl of AFC. Surely, she was over the moon seeing AFC students winning most of the prizes!

Seen below is the Level 7 winner from Takuilau receiving her award. Mighty congrats!

Seen below are the proud parents who received the awards on behalf of their children as they couldn't attend due to their exams: Malia 'Olie (Level 5 Tongan), Loseli Tausinga (L5 English), Soakimi Ngaluola (L6 Tongan), Lesieli Latu (L6 Tongan), Hektor Vi (L6 English), Heinakau Kaufusi (L6 Tongan), Telesia Pongipongi (L6 English).

Exams final week
The students knew all too well the importance of keeping their focus on the exams despite the festive environment pervading the country at this time!

Mr. Sitani Paulo Trophy
A milestone was established yesterday as the two Catholic Secondary schools on Tongatapu played for the first time for this memorial Cup, to be competed for each year between the two schools' Rugby First XV. Of course, Takuilau is still the current national champion from last year and they wanted to keep the trophy at Niukokai. However, the AFC Revamped Team this year had other thoughts and wanted to win the Trophy so as to stamp their mark on this year's national competition. In the end, AFC won the game 25-20 but it was a game deserving of the late Sitani Paulo's Trophy. Both Teams displayed gutsy and skillful rugby & congratulations to both!

There was a very jovial mood all around as the supporters cheer for their team!

A proud moment for the widow, Selina and the kids as they presented the Trophy before the competition. Seen above are the sponsors, Sefo and crew from Australia.

As the two Teams returned to their respective bases, they know very well that the competition is far from over. AFC may have won this game but Takuilau knows how to win when it matters. Mind you, St. Joseph (Ha'apai) and St. Peter Chanel (Vava'u) have won their island competitions. Wouldn't it be wonderful if either AFC or TKL win Tongatapu as well? Nothing is impossible and Takuilau has proven that last year!

Ritual Blessings!
The Senior Team follows a Marist protocol which involves the celebration of the Eucharist during the week. On game day, the Principal addresses the Team before handing out the jerseys followed by a special blessing. Upon their return from the field, they surround the statue of Our Lady and offer their thanksgiving prayer. Win or lose, they honor this long-held Marist tradition.

Tonga NRL U16
Currently, the Tonga NRL U16 Team is on tour to Australia. They lost their first game to Manly U16 Team 4-18, but the boys played well. The excitement about this Team is that we have 2 boys in it including the captain, 'Aleki Siale. I wish to acknowledge our ex-students in Sydney for visiting the boys and the Team. Malo Dan, Angina & Sepa.

Student Pilots Taufa Penitani & Masia Vahe
We've received great news regarding our two student-pilots in Auckland. Taufa Penitani and Masia Vahe are doing exceptionally well. In particular, we were informed that Taufa did a solo fly recently. Wow! Following news from 'Isitokia Paasi who is liaising financial support from ex-students to these student-pilots, Taufa will be presented with his solo wings today. Massive congratulation to both & keep it up.
'Epeli 'Afoloka Lavaki (RIP)
The college would do her part in the burial ceremony of the late 'Afoloka Lavaki, a former Head Boy. The Hon. Minister Seventeen Toumo'ua led our small contingent of ex-students to convey our condolences to the family at this most difficult time.

Welcome home Bro!

May I extend to you all our sincere gratitude for all your prayers and support which had enabled us to complete Term 2 successfully. Malo 'i he me'a kotoa!
Viva AFC!