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College Updates: Week 10 - Term 4


Greetings your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!

Admin Briefs

This is the final week of the academic Year 2021. This update will focus on the preparations for the annual Prize Giving. However, we're still able to conduct other activities relevant to the break-up this week. Last night we did the Induction Program for the Form 7 students. This is the first time that we've done this, which is to make these outgoing students feel confident they are officially recognized as ex-students.

Donations toward the Prize-Giving

We're grateful indeed that more Alumni Groups are coming on board to help with the prizes.

Seen above are the Pioneering Form 7 of 2004.

Above are the Alumni Group 2004 - 2010 led by their President, 'Akosita Hemaloto.

The 81-85 Alumni Group above with the annual trophy and $1,000 for the Dux Prize.

Seen above is a mixed group of ex-students from different colleges, operating in Tonga and NZ. They came and presented $500 to the college and also informed me that they have also been donating to all other schools on Tongatapu.

Seen here below are the Kasia 2003 - 2009 Alumni Group led by Metu Fetu'u'aho presenting cash donations towards the prizes.

Closing Mass

The college held this morning the Closing Mass for 2021. The Form 7 led the liturgy and it's only fitting since this is their final Mass with us as AFC students.

Annual Prize-Giving

Our annual Prize-Giving will commence at 10 AM tomorrow (Thursday) Tongan time. A unique twist this year is that former Duxes of the college will present the prizes and awards. As to Duxes who have passed on or have moved overseas, a member of their families here in Tonga will do the honors. Among the eldest was the late Hon. Pousima Afeaki who was Dux in 1936. That honor will be represented by Pousima Afeaki Jr who was himself Dux in 1978.

You can view the whole ceremony on our Letio Apifo'ou Tonga, TV Tonga, and Tonga Broadcom.


May I take this opportunity to thank you all for the successful completion of our journey for 2021. There will be a special update to cover the Prize-Giving ceremony.

Viva AFC!


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