Greetings your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!
Admin Briefs
This is the 4th week of school in term 2 and the second week for all Levels to attend classes. It's truly wonderful to see the students eager to attend school each day. The teachers on duty continue to man the points of entry and drop off areas. The students are still reminded to observe social distancing protocols and the wearing of masks. The canteen operators have been asked to prepare for next week as the government has announced that we may be back to normal starting next week.
Gender Meetings
At the beginning of the year the students conducted 'Gender Meetings'. There are pertinent issues that need to be addressed separately. Henceforth, the male teachers led by the Deputy Principal, Fr. Sipiliano, conducted sessions for the boys while Mrs. Paea Laukau Katoa, our Discipline Mistress, led the meeting for the girls. For these gender meetings, the seniors are separated from the juniors.
National Emergency Management Office (NEMO)
Donations to the college in the forms of tents, tools, masks & sanitizers, eating utensils, etc. were offered by NEMO. We're grateful to the CEO for this contribution.
Shannon Frizell's Project
You may recall from the previous updates that the current Highlanders & All Black, Shannon Frizell has donated funds for the repair of the fence that was damaged by the tsunami waves. This week we have finally managed to kick-start this project since the prolonged lockdown had of course affected our Action Plans. The project is guided by our maintenance crew led by Pila Havili with the help of our TVET boys.
Fetu'u Hopo 'o e Lalo Kasia 2001/2007
A miracle happened at the college this week! The Alumni Group Fetu'u Hopo 'o e Lalo Kasia 2001/2007 called me with a massive surprise. They wanted to donate $10,000 toward the operation cost of running the school during this difficult time. What can I say! I can only thank God and Mary for the many blessings that have come to the college through diverse people and in various ways.
This contribution has never been done before according to our fellow teachers and ex-students. Usually when a group or individuals donate, there are either conditions applied or strings attached! The President Taufu'i Naufahu who spoke on their behalf explained that they noticed the college had been working hard to meet the criteria outlined by the MoE in order for the school to reopen. That's why they believe that this fund can cover some of the costs expended by the college for this purpose.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of you the Apifo'ou Family, both at home and abroad, for your prayers and support for our beloved school.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother continue to shower His abundant blessings upon the entire Apifo'ou Family.
Viva AFC!