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College Updates: Week 4 - Term 2

Writer's picture: ekuasiekuasi


Greetings your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!

Admin Briefs

The teachers and students have recovered from the fun Inter-House sports last Friday. Everyone admitted that it was a timely break and no wonder they really enjoyed it. The other purpose of course is that they feel rejuvenated and ready to fully commit themselves to the teaching and learning activities.

Visit to Tonga of the US Deputy Secretary of State, Ms. Wendy Sherman

There was excitement in Tonga last week with the visit of the US Deputy Secretary of State wherein Her Excellency Ms. Sherman officially announced the establishment of a US Embassy here in Tonga. I was honored to be part of the ceremony.

Special Awards for Top Science Students

At the assembly on Tuesday, there were special awards to top students in Science after the first Assessment and Common Test. This is the first time that the Science Dept. conducted it and it was wonderful to see the efforts of the students being acknowledged. No doubt this will inspire the other departments to do the same.

Seen above is 'Amato Tahi, the top Science student in Level 1. Seen here below is Tapaita Kama, the best scientist in Level 2.

No stranger to such awards is Likamoana Kautoke above for Level 3. Below is Kafo'atu Lea'aetoa, the best in Level 4.

Seen below is William 'Okusitino who shared with 'Isileli Mafi the top prize for Physics.

The top 3 students in Chemistry were Sinalei Egbert, Lesieli Mo'ale, and Paul Haak, all seen in the next three photos, respectively.

Seen below is Seini Manumu'a who won the Biology award for Level 6.

The outstanding student winning two awards for Science & Biology is Lieta Siale of L5

Dental Clinic

The college's Dental Clinic is shaping up as a wonderful and timely project. The TVET staff and students are putting together the final touches to the place around outside. Meanwhile, the Dentists from Vaiola Hospital are busy installing the various equipment. Our Dental Clinic will be officially opened on the 2nd of September.

Agriculture Project

Most people in Tonga now are afraid of planting due to the prolonged dry weather! However, the AFC Agriculture Project continues unabated and this time round we're planting Tongan Taro. The other thing to note is that the one who controls the weather is the gentleman standing guard in front of our house, St. Joseph. I normally consult with him and he would let me know when to plant!

Sr. Susitina Siale SMSM

The college is blessed to have Sr. Susitina Siale taking some sessions with the students as she awaits her Visa for Vanuatu. Thank you very much Sister for sharing with us your wisdom and experience.


Thank you very much, one and all, for your continuous prayers and support for our beloved school. Until the next update, may the Lord bless you and keep you.

Viva AFC!


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