Greetings your Eminence and fellow 'Apifo'ou Family!
Admin Briefs
The focus this week is the preparation for the Mid-Year Exams which will begin in two weeks time. The staff and students are being urged to make good use of this time to revise well before the exams, especially as the sporting season is about to begin.
The opening of the Rugby season was held yesterday at Teufaiva Park. The opening game was between 'Apifo'ou and Lavengamalie. It was obvious this was just the beginning of the season as there were lots of errors which would give the Coaching Staff plenty to work on in the coming week. AFC won comfortably by 36 - 3.

The Coaching Staff is seen above during the break: Taholo 'Anitoni, Tesi Lavakei'aho, and the Trainer Tevita Lavakei'aho. In the spirit of sportsmanship, the two Teams are seen below doing their thanksgiving prayer together after the game.

The Senior 1XV has been reminded that they are role models for the younger Teams. Seen above is our Grade 1 with their Coaching Staff. Likewise, Grade 2 is seen below with coaches Ha'amonga and Folau Pofaiva giving them their final pep talks.

Seen here are the Grades 3 & 4 in their final preparations prior to their games.

The Eucharist is a central component of the Senior Teams' preparations. Seen here is Fr. Valu leading them at Mass who also blessed the new jerseys for all the Grades.
The college is indeed grateful for the generosity and support of our ex-students overseas who kindly donated these new outfits. Malo fau e 'ofa!

Sr. 'Anita Taulangovaka SMSM (RIP)
On Wednesday morning we received the sad news of the passing of Sr. 'Anita. We were told that she was getting ready to go to Mass. Only her shoes were left to put on and she had put her foot in one and while trying to put her foot in the other she died peacefully. Perhaps the other foot was already on the doorstep to Heaven!

Seen here are the members of the Marist Family joining in prayer for their beloved and longtime companion on the journey within the Society of Mary, Sr. Malia 'Anita.

This photo may have been taken during her Golden Jubilee in the Religious Life. We have been told that Sr. 'Anita has lived and served as a Missionary Sister in the Society of Mary for 62 years! Me'a a Malia 'Anita. Your smiles will never be forgotten!

Apifo'ou Bazaar!
There was a notice board placed at the main gate from the Queen Salote Wharf and it simply read, 'AFC Grand Bazaar'! Well, it was put there by our 'Walk the Talk' frontliner, 'Isitokia Paasi. This Bazaar was held at the Hall and at 'Ahopanilolo. For the record, this was the cheapest of all the bazaars ever held in Tonga. All the items were under $5 but for the students it was either $1 or paid with just a smile! The best part was that all the money raised in this Bazaar was donated to the college!

As a former Sports Captain of the college, 'Isitokia knew very well that when it comes to feeding the athletes, asking for help is no small task. She decided therefore to prepare Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for the Senior Rugby Team in camp. Seen above is 'Isitokia with her Cooking Duo, Ha'amonga and Felise 'Ulupano. Malo e 'ofa!

The smiles and joy of these senior ruggers says it all. Malo lahi 'Isitokia!

College Board
The School Advisory Board (SAB) met on Thursday to follow up on some of the pressing issues currently facing the college. The deliberations were focused on how to help the staff and students improve their performance and learning outcomes. We're indeed grateful that the Chairman, Mr. Frank Mateo, and members of this important board are heavily engaged in their various businesses and yet still find time to meet in order to address urgent and pertinent issues facing the college.

Education for Sustainable Development 2030 (ESD 2030)
I was fortunate to attend the two-day National Consultation Workshops on Education for Sustainable Development 2030. This was facilitated by a Team from UNESCO. This will be very helpful to Tonga in general but more importantly for 'Apifo'ou as we consistently face hazards due to the school's vulnerable location.

May I extend to you all our profound gratitude for the continual support and prayers rendered to our beloved college.
Please continue to pray for our students as they embark on the various sporting competitions while at the same time focusing on their upcoming Mid-Year exams.
Viva AFC!