Lenten greetings Your Eminence and Fellow Apifo'ou Family! As we edge closer to the Holy Week may we remain steadfast to the disciplines of Lent so that we may become more prayerful, patient. forgiving, and loving.
Admin Briefs
The focus on week 7 was the Retreats for the various Levels for all students and teachers at the college. This is part and parcel of our preparations for the Holy Week. We're grateful to some of the Parish Priests who were invited to be part of the daily programs and especially the hearing of Confessions each day, Meanwhile, the teachers and students are well aware that starting next Monday the Assessment 1 begins.
Weekly Eucharist
Fr. Valu Siua was the main celebrant at today's Mass and Sr. Lupe's Form I looked after the Liturgy in terms of the Readings, Prayers of Intercession, and Offertory.

Levels' Retreat
This is part of the preparations for Holy Week so that staff and students are made aware of the importance of deepening prayer through Meditation and Scripture.

Seen above is Fr. Mateo Kivalu leading the Level 6 students on their Retreat Day. Seen below is 'Olivina Tu'iono with the Level 5 students.

Levels 1 & 2 students are seen here with their teachers, Ha'amonga and Dr. Hoponoa.

Classroom Prayer Corners
The Junior Levels were given a special inspection by Fr. Valu and Sr. Nesi regarding their Prayer corners. Lent is a most fitting time for such a prayer setting, and it's wonderful to witness students taking pride in it by decorating their classrooms.

Athletics Squad
The Athletics Squad is picking up momentum as they continue with their training. One obvious obstacle for all schools on Tongatapu is the ongoing wet weather. Luckily for Apifo'ou the athletes can improvise such training within the college Hall.

The athletes enjoyed the Zumba sessions every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays!

Seen below are the athletes celebrating Mass as part of their Mental & Spiritual preparations. This is a crucial component of their training for competition.

Seen here below are the athletes residing the Rosary in front of Our Lady, the school's perpetual Principal. They do this everyday on their way to train or to dine.

Seen here are our athletes on their second day of trials at Teufaiva Park.

Timely & Generous Donation!
I had to send an SOS message to the Executive Committee members in the US since the budget for Sports was draining out quite fast! We're indeed indebted to the President Francis Kolo and his committee for responding promptly to our deliberate request. Malo fau e 'ofa.

Tonga Health's Sponsorship for Secondary School Athletics
This is a milestone for the biggest National Event in Tonga, the Inter-Collegiate Athletics Competition to be sponsored by Tonga Health. We signed the MOA this week at a value of almost TOP $100,000. The Tonga Principals' Association is delighted to have secured this sponsorship.

Seen here above and below is the Signing Ceremony between the CEO of Tonga Health and the President of the Tonga Principals' Association.

Another Milestone for 'Apifo'ou!
The Ministry of Health has agreed in principle that the Nursing Students from the Tonga National University will serve their 4-week Practicum at the college. Apifo'ou is fortunate to have Ms. Gladys Leger, our professional Nurse manning the clinic. Hence, the Ministry's trust is because of Gladys and the wonderful services offered at our clinic. Seen below are 2 officers from the Ministry after discussing the matter.

Hihifo PTA
The PTA Committee led by the President Mrs. Malia Lita Fisilau were at Kolovai this week to conduct their visitation of this parish. It was really wonderful to see the ex-students and Parish Council members attending the session.

Seen above is Dr. Leonaitasi Hoponoa with his presentation and Fr. Valu below highlighting the importance of working together with the parents.

Seen above is Soane Kauhalaniua sr, a long time teacher at 'Apifo'ou, sharing his ideas and encouragement. Seen below is Manu Lemeki, a Form 7 student, delivering a speech on behalf of the students.

Seen here is the Parish Priest, Fr. Mateo Kivalu, an ex-student and die-hard supporter of the Lalo Kasia, delivering the concluding remarks. Malo e 'ofa mo e poupou Patele.

Seen below are some familiar faces among our ex-students: Ue'i Muller, Setaleki, Tu'ifua Tatafu, and Sakopo Lolohea.

Pipeline Vocal Project
The staff and students of 'Apifo'ou enjoyed a very special show presented by the Pipeline Vocal Project Trio, all the way from Alaska. This was made possible by the US Embassy in Suva and here in Nuku'alofa. Thank you for gracing us with your talent.

The students responded with their own music and cheering chants!

Once again may I extend to you all our sincere thanks for all your prayers and support. May the Good Lord continue to bless you all in this time of great grace through the most efficacious intercessions of our Blessed Mother.
Viva AFC!