Greetings Your Eminence and fellow Apifo'ou Family!
Admin Briefs
This is the last week before we embark on our Mid-Year exams which will begin next week. The teachers and students have worked together to revise and prepare well for the exams. The week was disrupted on Monday by the earthquake and the subsequent Tsunami Warning. Hence, the college had to be evacuated. Fortunately, we have done the Evacuation Drills and the staff and students acted accordingly. As soon as the warning siren was heard, the teachers guided the students to the assembly area and from there to Funga Sia, the evacuation point. Both MEIDECC and NEMO were very impressed with the swift evacuation operation by the college.

Once the staff and students gathered at the Evacuation Areas, a thanksgiving prayer was said followed by more instructions. About an hour later, the warning was cancelled and all made their way back to the college.

Night Study
Our Level 6 students have begun their preparations for the Mid-Year Exams and beyond. These activities are done in the Parishes as student safety is paramount.

Seen above is the HOD IT & Computer Studies, Mrs. Fakanonoa, with her students at Houmakelikao. Seen below is Sipinoti Moimoi and his Music students.

Agriculture Science
The staff and students in the Department took a Field Trip to the Agricultural Center at Tokomololo as well as an Organic Farm at Puke. It was a wonderful opportunity for the students to further their skills and knowhow into the field of organic farming.

Sports: Rugby
The Senior 1XV continued to improve their playing skills as they convincingly beat Tupou High School 58-6. The Coaching Team appeared to have ironed out a few things from their previous game. The other Grades all played well yesterday.

Sports: Netball
The Netball Season began yesterday. The college Teams looked great in their new outfits that just arrived from our ex-students in Australia & NZ. We're indeed grateful to Angina Lapa, Sepa Taulanga, and Dan Loloa who organised the purchase and timely delivery of these much needed uniforms to the college. Malo fau e 'ofa!

All the Netball Teams look smart in their new outfits. The results weren't as colourful though! Midget A won against Liahona Middle School 9 - 3 and Midget B lost to Lavengamalie 1 - 4, Intermediate A won against THS 14 - 0, but Intermediate B lost to Tailulu 2 - 3, Senior A lost to Queen Salote 6 - 8 and B lost to Lavengamalie 5 - 6.

The staff and some selected students are engaged in the NO Plastic Campaign! This is their second week in this workshop. By the 3rd week they'll go and collect plastics from the seafront to be shredded here at the college.

Nursing Students
Officials from the MOH visited the college to finalize arrangements for the Nursing Students to begin their Practicum here at the college. In fact, they'll start next week. We're excited about this as we're the first school to accommodate this program.

Walk For Life
Yesterday a few of our ex-students, led by James Motulalo who travelled from Australia for the event, embarked on a walk to Ha'atafu, roughly about 47km. The walk was tough but it was worth the sacrifice for a noble cause. James has collected donations for the Project that amounted to about AUD 6,000. This will be donated to the Blood Bank at the Vaiola Hospital. Furthermore, fifteen teachers from Apifo'ou will donate blood next week as part of the school's support for this initiative.

Seen above is a brief stopover at Kolovai and a surprise meet with the Parish Priest from Otara, Auckland and his right-hand man, Kalino 'Ekuasi. Seen below is the official photo of the participants outside the BillFish Restaurant. Malo lahi James!

May I extend once again a big thank you to one and all, near and far, for your continued prayers and support for our beloved college.
Please continue to keep the staff and students in your prayers as we embark on our Mid-Year exams next week.