Greetings your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!
Admin Briefs
This is week 9 of the second term and it's the final week for our Common Paper Exams. A major setback for our exams is the increased number of absentees due to a flu virus that is now spreading. The number of students and staff infected has increased to 200+. However, we urge them to stay home if they're not feeling well.
While the exams were ongoing, some of our students took part in various competitions organised by government departments. One of our Form 3 students won the first prize of $500 for his art picture displaying the effects on the Ozone.

Seen above is our winner 'Isileli receiving his spoil from Mr. Paula Ma'u, CEO for MEIDECC. And below is his winning item.

Last night at the Tau'olunga Competitions as part of the celebrations of His Majesty's 63rd Birthday, our student Fisi'ipiula 'Ete'aki won 2nd prize in the 13-17 category.

The college brass band also took part in the celebrations organised by the Tourism Department. They joined the parades and floats that took place in town on Monday.

Otago University: The Science Dept were delighted with the donation of materials to help with the Science program for Levels 2 & 3. Seen here are the HOD Mrs. Makalita 'Otumuli and a few teachers and students in the department receiving the items.

St. Mary's Admin: The staff at the St. Mary's campus spent their public holiday on Monday laying new tiles in their office. The Dean Sr. Nesi with the help of teachers raised some funds for this project by conducting a walkathon. The chief tiler was Pila Po'ese, assisted by Ha'amonga and the rest of the teachers. It's heartwarming to see the teachers taking the initiative to carry out this much needed work.

Late Tu'inukue'a 'Apikotoa's Burial: The school carried out our normal practice to the family of the late Mr. 'Apikotoa. We visited the family to offer prayers and financial contribution. The college Brass Band joined the Military Band in honouring Mr. 'Apikotoa's final farewell. The Marist Rugby Club were the ball bearers.

May I extend to you all once again our heartfelt gratitude for your prayers and support for the college, especially during this time of exams.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we wrap up Term 2.
Viva AFC!