Greetings your Eminence and fellow Apifo'ou Family!
Admin Briefs
This is the last week of the final exams for Levels 1 - 5. Level 7 are on study break prior to their external exams which will kick off next Tuesday. Since the focus this time is on the exams, there are very few activities going on at the college. Last Tuesday, our Form 6 exam students had a Day of Recollection at Lilo 'i Tafa'anga, Veitongo. This was part and parcel of efforts to complete the equation of success for all students:
students' efforts + teachers' efforts + parents' efforts + God = guaranteed success.
Level 6 Recollection Day
Dr. Leonaitasi Hoponoa has been actively involved at the college this year, particularly in the field of Human Development. The school is richly blessed with his expertise and experience. He facilitated the Recollection Day for the exam students.

Final Exams
The final exams for Levels 1 - 5 are coming to a close this week. It's heartening to see the students giving their very best to these exams.

TVET Tools
Santa Claus arrived early at the college with tools offered by the World Bank via the Set Project within the Ministry of Education. The 3 Sections within TVET, Electrical, Carpentry, and Automobile, each received tools according to their own trade.

Volunteer Program
It was a blessed day for the college yesterday as the Coordinators of the Volunteer Project, Fonomanu & 'Unaloto Lolohea, visited us. They're currently on a break from their busy schedule back home and they thought the place to find rest is home!

While they're here with their friend Lianne, 'Unaloto & Fonomanu wanted to take a look at some of the Projects that they have funded here at the college.

Prefects' Retreat
This is an annual event that the Principals' Association together with the MoE organised for all the Prefects of the various secondary schools on Tongatapu. This is part and parcel of our efforts to promote safe, healthy and conducive environment for all our students. Needless to say, Prefects are a vital link within that endeavor.

As Chairperson of the Tonga Principals' Association, part of my key responsibilities is to work together with my fellow principals, the government, and all key stakeholders.

Seen above is the Honorable Minister for Health, Dr. Saia Piukala, delivering the keynote address. Seen below and the next photos are souvenir photos with the Prefects from the different schools. Below are the Head Prefects with the officials.

Below: Beulah College

Below: 'Apifo'ou College

Below: Tonga High School

Below: Liahona High School

Below: Queen Salote College

Below: St. Andrew's High School

Below: Tailulu College

Below: Tupou High School

Below: Takuilau College

Below: Lavengamalie College

Below: Tonga College

Below: Tupou College

Seen below are the main organizers of the event, Rev. 'Alifeleti 'Atiola (Principal Tupou College), Mr. Sekona Tu'ipulotu (Principal Tonga College), and AFC Principal.

May I extend to you all once again our sincere gratitude for your ongoing prayers and support for our beloved college.
Please continue to keep our students in your prayers as they (Levels 6 & 7) embark on their external exams starting next Tuesday.
Viva AFC!