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College Updates: Wk 2 - Term 1


Greetings Your Eminence, and fellow AFC Family!

Admin Briefs:

~ We wrap up the 2nd week of this Term with celebration of the Opening Mass for all Catholic schools and institutions today at the Cathedral at 10 AM. This is a customary ritual at the beginning of each academic year. More importantly, it's the golden opportunity for His Eminence to impart his words of wisdom thus empowering all teachers and students in the Diocese as they embark on their journey for the year.

~ Apifo'ou College is leading the singing this year and the rest of the liturgy will be shared among the other schools. Photo 002 shows the college conducting their final rehearsal led by Fr. 'Ofa (lead guitarist) and Sione Hapa, (Music Master).

Photo 002

~ As you can see from the same photo, the Hall is almost packed, which means that the roll has hit the 1,000 mark and is still counting! We expect the registration to be completed in the next week or two.

~ Upcoming Inter-House Sports: The 12 Houses are gearing up for the Inter-House Athletics competition at Teufaiva Stadium on the 11 & 12. Photo 011 shows the teachers still sorting out their respective houses.

Photo 011

Agriculture Project:

Due to persistent rains in the past weeks we had to salvage our cassava plots as the weeds are growing tall! Yesterday, I went with selected 30 senior boys and cleaned out the tall weeds (photo 021). These boys are rugby players so this is part of their training!!

Photo 021

5-Year Master Plan:

Last night our Consultant Team were at Longtome (Photo 005) and that basically completed the parishes associated with the college. Next week, we're hoping to secure convenient times in order to chat with our ex students' from overseas. Sakopo Lolohea is liaising with Executives from NZ, Australia and the US to set up the dates and times available.

Photo 005

I've attached here below the PowerPoint presentation that we utilize when we visit the different parishes. It's devised to elicit as much feedback as possible from our ex-students. Please feel free to send us your inputs or questions. Dr. Alisi's email address is <> and you can send it directly to her. Otherwise, you can join us once we confirm the Zoom times with our overseas counterparts.

PowerPoint Presentation:

Letio Apifo'ou Tonga:

The Opening Mass today will begin shortly at the Cathedral and will be livestreamed by our very own Letio Apifo'ou Tonga.


I'd like to extend to you all our heartfelt gratitude for all the prayers and support for our beloved college at the beginning of this academic year 2021.

Viva AFC!


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