Greetings Your Eminence and fellow AFC Family!
Admin Briefs:
~ Today is week 4 of Term 2. The focus for this week is the ongoing coverage of the Syllabi. Needless to say, the staff and students are being urged to take advantage of every available study time since the other sports will commence on the 28th of this month.
~ At the same time the sports training for the games such as Rugby, Netball, Soccer, and Volleyball have begun. All these sports Teams have pledged to build on the momentum achieved by the athletes in the Inter-Collegiate Athletics competitions.
Feast Day!
~ The Apifo'ou Family celebrated its Feast Day last Saturday even though the actual feast of St. Peter Chanel fell on Wednesday 28th.
~ The day started off with the celebration of the Mass presided by His Eminence, Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi. Quite a few ex-scholar Priests led by the retiree Fr. Soane Falemaka concelebrated.
~ After Mass, the March by the ex-students and current students was organized beginning from 1960, then every ten years like 61-70, 71-80, etc. Photos 006, 008, & 009 showed some pictures of the march. The occasion was graced by the Hon. Minister for Labour, Mr. Tatafu Moeaki and he even joined the march.
Photo 006

Photo 008

Photo 009

~ This was followed by the AGM and then everyone enjoyed a shared lunch at the Hall. A good part of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the 5 Years Master Plan, which was led by Dr. 'Alisi Kautoke Holani. It was quite lengthy but it was worth it all as the deliberations by the ex-students affirmed the concerns and willingness of everyone to move the college forward.
~ The final part of the day was the collecting of Levies by the ex-students. The total amount collected was close to $200,000. Photos 057 & 075 showed the Pea Parish led by Fr. Mateo Kivalu and also the Hihifo Parish led by the Principal!
Photo 057

Photo 075

~ A unique feature in the program is the presentation and award of medals and cash incentives to the athletes (photo 051). Every athlete received awards. However, the medals winners had extras since different Alumni Groups, both local and overseas, donated these special awards.
Photo 051

In retrospect, the whole day's events were joyful and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. This was partly due to the recent achievements of the Athletics Team which triggered the patriotic spirit of the Apifo'ou Family.
Furthermore, the 5 Years Master Plan for the college has also ignited the renewed vigor and zeal by the ex-students to support the Operational running of the school. This is the first time that the college includes in its Annual Budget a certain amount of money to be collected by the ex-students.
On behalf of the staff and students of the college, may I extend to you Your Eminence, Cardinal Mafi, Vicar General, Mon Lutoviko Finau, Chairman of the PTA, Mr. Filokalafi 'Akau'ola, Chairman for the School Advisory Board, Mr. Frank Halafihi, Hon. Minister Mr. Tatafu Moeaki, and all our ex-students at home and abroad, our heartfelt gratitude for your generous contribution and support for our beloved school.
The teachers, parents, and students sincerely feel empowered by the display of support from the wide cross section of ex-scholars and benefactors. You have given us a strong mandate and the onus is on us now to strive for excellence in all domains of education.
Last but not the least, if you have missed out on the celebrations, you can log on to Letio Apifo'ou Tonga and watch the events as they unfold.
As mentioned above the different sports with their coaches and trainers have begun their preparations for the upcoming competitions which will open on the 28th of May.
Our 1XV started early their training as our two coaches Taholo Anitoni and Fangatapu 'Apikotoa wanted more time to focus on basic rugby skills and drills. Yesterday they marched into camp as they upped the ante with their preparation.
We extend our sincere sympathy to the families of two ex-students who passed away recently. Mrs. Kilisitina Pome'e Fatu, the former Regional Director for Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd (TOML), was buried yesterday. Tina as she was fondly known, was advocating a cleaner environment at school and she had kindly offered her assistance to her former school. A former classmate of mine, Mr. Paea Vaisingano will be buried today at Houma. May they both rest in the peace and joy of the Risen Lord.
In this month of the Rosary we pray with the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother for the abundant blessings and graces upon the Apifo'ou Family.
Viva AFC!