Greetings Your Eminence and AFC Family!
The Parish of Hihifo led by Frs. Taniela Enosi & Lutoviko Manu sm continued where the Nuku'alofa parishioners left off. Even the youngest among them, Saimone Mahe Jr, was armed with a hammer and joined the fun.
The Kauvai Parish led by their PP Fr. Chris Hifo sm continued yesterday and made the last preparations for the roofing. And today, Fr. Lolesio and his Pulengaue Silo from Pea started putting on the roof of the first classroom.

We're very grateful indeed for all the helping hands that have contributed to the construction works being undertaken. This is indeed a real Catholic project as the parishioners within the Diocese led by their PP's are helping out in these works.
An additional cause for celebration was receiving the results of the Form 5 Exams. 68 students out of 178 passed those exams. An apparent improved results from last year, and once again I find great joy in seeing the quality marks of these students.
Thank you one and all for the support so far. This is just the beginning of better things for the college.
Viva AFC!