Seasonal greetings your Eminence and belated 60th Birthday! Greetings to you all our Apifo'ou Family, both at home and abroad!
Recaps and highlights of the academic year 2021:

Seen above is Dr. Alisi Kautoke guiding the teachers through the 5-Year Master Plan. This was the Planning Week from the 18 - 22 of January.

Seen above is the signing off of official documents with the Tongan government and World Bank after the completion of the reconstruction project.
Seen below are the Reconstruction Committee Members of the college after presenting to His Eminence the complete reports of the reconstruction works.

Above is the Opening Mass for the year plus the induction of the Prefects.

And then the usual activities of Term 1 which are the athletics training and the weekly assembly led by one of the classes.

Seen below are the Prefects after their Leadership Formation weekend at Ha'asini.

His Eminence, Cardinal Mafi, addressing below the members of the faculty together with the Vicar General and Education Director, Soane Vahe.

The college and ex-students celebrated the college Feast Day with a march from the Cathedral to the college, as seen above.
The college featured prominently this year in Quiz, Oratory, and other national competitions. Seen below is our Form 4 Quiz Team battling out with Tonga High School.

Seen above is the Master Plan Team with His Eminence, Cardinal Mafi, after presenting him the Plans for his approval.
Below was the official launching of the 5-Year Master Plan.

Seen above are the Committee members during the Retreat at Lilo, Veitongo.
Never have we witnessed such renewed support from the ex-students as seen this year, and may it continue to be so in the years to come.

The PTA Day is always a colourful event!
Lord Ve'ehala graced the Musical Festival of the college which was very affirming indeed.

Toast of the year! Our school's choir won two national competitions this year.

Apifo'ou College was the second school to have the Vaccination done.
Seen below are the Level 5 students attending to their external exams.

First time to have the Form 7 students inducted as ex-students of the college.

The Apifo'ou Family this year had our fair share of challenging and painful moments. The loss of Kelekolio Vete was unbearable!

Then followed by the passing of a former Principal and senior Marist, Fr. Seluini.
Then another arrow pierced the heart of the college, the untimely passing of a dear member of the Apifo'ou family, former Deputy Principal, Soane Malia Kauhalaniua jr.

And finally, the staff in graduation attires for the school Prize-Giving Ceremony 2021

Thank you very much again for your generous support and prayers for our beloved college.
May I extend to you all on behalf of the Apifo'ou Family here in Tonga a very Merry Christmas and a Grace-filled New Year!
Viva AFC!