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Measure of Spread and Draw the Box Whiskey Graph
Measure of Spread and Draw the Box Whiskey Graph
Latu Falesiu
May 21, 2023
Ki mu'a e tali ho'o fehu'i, ta ki'i sio ange kihe BoxPlot, pe koe ha 'ae Boxplot? 1. Koe Boxplot koe fa'ahinga kalafi 'oku ne talamai 'ae anga 'ae mofele pe putuputu 'o ha 'dataset'. 2. 'Oku lahi hono faka'aonga'i he statistic ki hono fakafehoanaki ha fa'ahinga me'a pe kulupu, he 'oku faingofua mo vave hono taa. 3. Ka koe dataset kuopau ke fokotu'utu'u mei he si'isi'i kihe lahi, kamata meihe to'ohema kihe to'omata'u, pe mei 'olunga ki lalo. Pea faingofua leva ho'o ma'u 'ae me'a (point) 'e nima ko eni ke lava 'o ta 'ae boxplot: 1. Minimum datapoint (mata'ifika si'isi'i taha), this is your lowest whisker 2. 1st quartile (Q1), koe poini pe laine eni 'oku ne faka'ilonga'i 'ae vahe fa 'e taha 'oe dataset, (25% of your dataset are below this point or line and mark the lowest side of your boxplot) 3. Median (or 2nd quartile (Q2) the line that divides the boxplot in two) koe poini eni pe laine 'oku ne vaheua'i ho'o dataset 'i lotomalie (50% of your dataset are below this line and 50% are above it) 4. 3rd quartile (Q3 koe poini eni pe laine 'oku ne faka'ilonga'i 'a e vahe fa 'e tolu ho'o dataset (75% of your dataset are below this mark, and 25% are above and also mark the upper side of your boxplot) 5. Maximum datapoint or highest whisker (mata'ifika lahi taha) Ko ho'o fehu'i: 1. Koe Upper Quartile (Q3) moe Lower Quartile (Q1) 'a ena 'oku ha 'i'olunga 2. tomu'a vaeua'i ho'o dataset kihe konga tatau 'e ua, pea toe vaeua ki naua ke ma'u ai e konga 'e fa; 3. meihe frequency table (table) the total of frequency column is 30. 'a ia koe toko 30 na'e savea'i 'ae anga 'enau ako (study time x); 4. 30 / 2 = 15 'a ia koe ola 'e 15 'oe savea ko eni 'oku si'isi'i ange 'ihe vaeua pe Median (=Q2). Pea ola 'e 15 'oku lahi hake ai. 5. Ko e Median leva 'oe dataset ko eni 'oku ma'u ia meihe 'avalisi 'oe ola fika 15 moe fika 16, ie Q2 = Mediam = 2.5hr; 6. Upper Quartile = 23th datapoint, Q3 = 4.0hr, & Lower Quartile = 8th datapoint, Q1 = 2.0hr 2. Koe fehu'i ko eni 'oku ha'u ia moe frequency table, 'a ia 'oku fiema'u ke ke tanaki atu ki ai 'ae column fo'ou koe cummulative frequency; 3. 'Oku fiema'u e ngaahi point ko eni 'e 5 ka ke lava 'o ta 'ae Boxplot: 1. Meihe tali 1, QI = 2; Q2 = 2.5 & Q3 = 4 2. Min = 1.5; 3. Max = 5.5hr Lava leva 'o ta 'ae boxplot ko eni 'aki 'a e ngaahi poini ko eni.

Latu Falesiu

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